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Four Aspects of Spiritual Awakening

In the past week, I have been in several conversations where we discussed Spiritual Awakening. What is it exactly? If you've ever found yourself wondering if you're experiencing a spiritual awakening, you're not alone.

It’s a phrase that gets tossed around a lot, but what does it actually mean? And more importantly, what does it feel like? Spoiler alert: it is different for everyone, a highly personal experience, and not necessarily an immediate event.

The Gentle Nudges of Awakening

A gentle nudge
Spiritual Awakening

For most of us, a spiritual awakening doesn't arrive with a thunderclap or a grand revelation. It’s often subtle, like the first light of dawn gradually illuminating a dark room. You might start noticing things you didn’t before—maybe it's a sudden appreciation for the beauty of nature, or perhaps a new awareness of the energy in a room full of people. It is a deepening of self-awareness, and often a questioning of what your place is in this world. These are the gentle nudges, the whispers that something within you is stirring.

A mentor of mine coined the phrase "following the spiritual breadcrumbs". That is what many of us do, we follow new interests, new curiosities. We seek out others having similar experiences. The universe will help us find the healers, the friends, the community we need, when we are ready and curious and most need it.

One: Body Sensations: The Physical Shift

One of the most common signs of a spiritual awakening is a change in your body’s sensations. You might experience tingling in your hands or feet, or a warm sensation in your chest. Sometimes, there’s a sense of lightness, as if a weight you didn’t know you were carrying has been lifted. Other times, it can feel like your body is buzzing with energy, almost as if you’re being fine-tuned to a new frequency. We may become more sensitive to the moon cycles as well, noticing the power of a full moon or other planetary alignments.

For some of us, the physical sensations can be dramatic and debilitating. For others, it may be more subtle. Of course, one should always pursue trusted medical advice if needed. For myself, physically it was more subtle, as I became aware of being able to sense energies from trees and flowers and bushes that I was not aware of previously. I also felt a lot of tingling and vibrations in my body. Luckily it was something I could manage, and still occasionally experience.

These sensations can be surprising, but they are usually a sign that your body is aligning with your spirit. It’s as though your physical form is catching up with the changes happening on a deeper level. Grounding practices, like walking barefoot on the earth or focusing on your breath, can help you stay centered during these shifts. Many also adjust their diet and find that it helps with grounding.

Trust the process
Spiritual Awakening

Two: The Mind: Clarity and Confusion

A spiritual awakening can bring a strange mix of clarity and confusion. On one hand, you may begin to see things more clearly than ever before—patterns in your life, truths about yourself, and the interconnectedness of all things. But with this clarity often comes confusion, as your mind grapples with a new way of understanding the world.

You might find yourself questioning long-held beliefs, re-evaluating relationships, or feeling a sense of disorientation as the old ways of thinking fall away. It’s okay to not have all the answers right away. In fact, part of the awakening process is learning to be comfortable with not knowing, and trusting that the path will unfold as it needs to.

I was fortunate to have people in my path that helped me navigate the changes, explore the questions, and be with (a lot) of not knowing. My entry into exploring my spirituality led me on a +10 year quest which eventually brought me to a totally new career, and way of being.

Three: Emotions: The Heart’s Awakening

Emotionally, a spiritual awakening can feel like a rollercoaster. You might experience deep joy and peace one moment, and then intense sadness or anger the next. This is because awakening often brings unresolved emotions to the surface, giving you the opportunity to heal and release them.

It’s important to be gentle with yourself during this time. Allow yourself to feel what comes up without judgment. These emotions are part of your journey, a way for your heart to open and connect more deeply with yourself and others. Seek out trusted counselors and professional healers who can assist you as well, and explore all the different modalities that are available to you as you move through layers of emotions, unlearning and awareness.

Reconnect with your true self
Spiritual Awakening

Four: The Spirit: A Deeper Connection

At its core, spiritual awakening is about connection. It’s a process of reconnecting with your true self, the essence of who you are beyond the roles and identities you’ve taken on in life. It’s also about connecting with something greater than yourself—whether you call it God, the Universe, Source, or simply a deep sense of love and compassion.

This connection can bring a profound sense of peace and belonging, as you start to realize that you are never truly alone. You may feel a growing sense of purpose, as if you are being guided toward something meaningful. And while this connection can sometimes feel overwhelming, it is ultimately a source of comfort and strength.

Everyday Awakening

Spiritual awakening doesn’t mean you have to retreat to a mountaintop or adopt a new way of life overnight. It’s about integrating these new insights and feelings into your everyday experience. It’s about being present in each moment, listening to the whispers of your soul, and allowing yourself to grow and evolve in your own time.

Remember, this journey is uniquely yours. There’s no right or wrong way to awaken, and there’s no timeline you need to follow. Trust in your own process, and know that wherever you are right now is exactly where you’re meant to be.

**Questions to Ponder:**

- Have you noticed any changes in your body, mind, emotions, or spirit that might signal a spiritual awakening?

- How do you stay grounded during times of change and uncertainty?

- What practices help you connect more deeply with yourself and the world around you?

Your spiritual journey is a sacred one, and it’s unfolding perfectly. Embrace each moment, and allow yourself to be guided by the light within you.

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