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Empowerment on your life journey

The other day on my walk, I was listening to a podcast that was talking about living at cause, as opposed to living at effect. It was an "aha" moment for me, and has deepened my awareness of where my brain goes...and patterns that are ingrained in me in so many ways. How often do I look at myself or my business and sub-consciously think, when I lose weight, when I have more followers. I do often look externally, and give away my power.

What does it mean to be living at cause, as opposed to living at effect?

empowerment quote
Empowerment begins when we choose to live at cause, recognizing that we are the creators of our own reality and the authors of our life's journey.

**Living at Cause: Embracing Empowerment**

Living at cause means taking responsibility for your life, your choices, and your experiences. It’s about recognizing that you have the power to shape your reality through your thoughts, actions, and intentions. When you live at cause, you are the author of your story, actively participating in creating the life you desire. You are empowered to make conscious choices, aligned with your true self, navigating life's challenges with grace and resilience.

**Living at Effect: Reacting to Life**

On the flip side, living at effect means feeling like life is happening to you. It’s a reactive stance where external circumstances, other people’s actions, or random events are seen as the primary drivers of your experience. When you live at effect, you might feel powerless, like a boat adrift on a stormy sea, with no control over the direction you’re headed. This perspective can lead to feelings of victimhood, frustration, and helplessness.

**How to Tell the Difference**

Recognizing whether you are living at cause or effect can sometimes be subtle. Here are some indicators:

- **Language:** Pay attention to your language. Do you often say things like “I can’t because…” or “If only…”? These phrases suggest a belief that external factors are controlling your life. In contrast, saying “I choose to…” or “I am responsible for…” indicates a cause-oriented mindset.

- **Emotions:** Notice your emotional responses. Feeling empowered, optimistic, and proactive typically aligns with living at cause. On the other hand, feeling frequently frustrated, resentful, or stuck can indicate you’re living at effect.

- **Actions:** Reflect on your actions. Are you taking steps to create the life you want, or are you waiting for things to change on their own? Proactivity is a hallmark of living at cause.

**Practices to Shift Your Perspective**

Shifting from living at effect to living at cause is a profound transformation. Here are some practices to help you make this shift:

1. **Mindful Awareness:** Cultivate awareness of your thoughts and language. When you catch yourself thinking or speaking from an effect-oriented perspective, gently shift to a cause-oriented mindset. For example, replace “I have to” with “I choose to.”

2. **Empowering Questions:** Ask yourself empowering questions. Instead of “Why is this happening to me?” try “What can I learn from this?” or “How can I respond in a way that aligns with my values and goals?”

3. **Gratitude Practice:** Regularly practice gratitude. By focusing on what you are grateful for, you shift your energy towards positivity and abundance, reinforcing the belief that you are an active participant in your life.

4. **Set Intentions:** Begin each day with clear intentions. Take a few moments in the morning to set your intentions for the day, aligning your actions with your deeper desires and goals.

5. **Take Responsibility:** Own your choices and their outcomes, whether positive or negative. This doesn’t mean blaming yourself for everything, but rather acknowledging your role in creating your experience and learning from it.

**Invitation to Reflect**

Take a moment to reflect on your own life. Are there areas where you feel you’re living at effect? How might your experience change if you began to live at cause in those areas? What small steps can you take today to start this empowering shift?

Living at cause is about reclaiming your power and stepping into the fullness of your being. It’s a journey of self-awareness, intentionality, and conscious creation. As you embrace this perspective, you open the door to a more fulfilling, authentic, and empowered life.


Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences in the comments. How do you practice living at cause? What challenges have you faced in making this shift? I take a moment to be aware of when I am finding external reasons why I am not getting specific results. It has been an interesting process! Awareness is the place to start!

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